First, I think you want FORM(INPUT(_name='n')), otherwise you'll have an 
empty form.
If you want to pre-populate a form using form.vars.fieldname=somevalue, you 
have to do that after the form is created, but *before* you call 
form.accepts (the form.accepts method adds the form.vars value to the INPUT 
element). See
If you only want to pre-populate the field after a failed form submission 
(but not when the form is initially loaded), then you could use an 
alternative method:
form.element(_name='n').update(_value='MY DYNAMIC VALUE')
That updates the html INPUT element directly instead of relying on 
form.accepts to add the form.vars value to the element.

On Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:15:57 AM UTC-4, mweissen wrote:

> Hi, 
> let's say I have a simple form like the following:
> def one():
> form = FORM(_name='n')
>  if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
>  # do something
> redirect(URL('two'))
> else:
>  *# what I want to do is something like*
>  *form.vars.n = 'MY DYNAMIC VALUE'*
> return dict(form=form)
>  Regards, Martin

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