I have a large erp application on windows forms that access postgresql tables. I am searching for tools to migrate the app from deskop to web app. Didn't find something that satisfied me.
I like python as it is dynamic and clear syntax (comming from visual foxpro environment I am know to appreciate this even data access in python laks vfp cursors) but for python didn't found yet a good tool to help me accomplish this. Looked to django, but didn't feel comfortable at first look. Web2py looked much simpler in logic but entered into this problem with schemas that brought me here. So I am searching the market :). On Jun 24, 4:29 pm, Ovidio Marinho <ovidio...@gmail.com> wrote: > what you really need to do?, create an app Web2py from your tables? > > Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto > ovidio...@gmail.com > 88269088 > Paraiba-Brasil > > 2011/6/24 Camil Ghircoias <ghircoiasca...@yahoo.com> > > > > > > > > > Hi, > > > I am now reading some documnentation about web2py. > > Does web2py support postgresql schemas ? > > I have my tables grouped in postgresql into scheme inside same > > database. > > So I can have same tables into the same databases but in different > > schemas. > > > Like > > > schema1.mytable > > schema2.mytable > > > How can I work with web2py without renaming tables or changing the > > database logic ? > > > I write here because on internbet there was not a clear answer if you > > can work with it or not.