On Friday, June 17, 2011 10:16:16 AM UTC-4, Jose wrote: 
> Hi, 
> In later versions of the trunk the default view does not work. If I 
> create a function without creating ls associated view, should load the 
> default view, well, this is what fails. [invalid view]

Are you having this problem with requests on the local machine, or only 
remote requests? Due to a security vulnerability, generic views are turned 
off by default unless the request is local. In db.py of the 'welcome' app, 
the following has been added:
response.generic_patterns = ['*'] if request.is_local else []
response.generic_patterns is a list of glob patterns that can be used to 
match /controller/function.extension to determine which generic views should 
be available for which controllers and functions. The above line allows all 
generic views, but only when request.is_local is True. You can set the 
generic_patterns centrally in a model file (as above), or you can set it 
within specific controllers or functions. For example:
In default.py:
def myaction():
    response.generic_patterns = ['html', 'load']
    # more code
    return dict(...)
The above will enable generic.html and generic.load views specifically for 
requests to /default/myaction.[html/load].

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