Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but this issue is one of 
architecting your applications/environment properly.

If you only ever use https (ie: no http) then all is fine. 

If you use mixed http & https, then you likely want to set 
(this will set the cookie 'secure' attribute, identifying that the browser 
should never send the cookie over a non secure channel). 
The issue is that first connection you use to obtain the cookie. If it is 
over a non secure channel, the server will send you a cookie with your 
session id and the secure attribute set. This is an issue in that a 3rd 
party can acquire your session id over this nonsecure channel.

Solution: Unfortunately the cookie is sent whether you are authenticated or 
not... I believe the only solution is to ensure all web2py calls are over a 
secure channel. Your settings can still identify that other calls may not be 
over secure channels though (think static files, etc... in which you bypass 


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