Hello all;

In my project i have to process files HUGE Gigabyte files . on the server. I
look into websocket but it is still very Experimental Draft , Only
supporting a few browser , and needed Tornado Web Server to do so .. Which
needs to open up another port which is not cool at all (Coz the office of my
clients are Restricted to port  80 and port 443 only , no choice left) .

Currently my approach for my Comet-Like Ajax Progressbar is to do like this

-Process huge list of file . Every 1000th file , write Progress number to a
file (that is run outside of web2py , called via subprocess module) .
-Web2py ajax controller check_progress() reads that file WHEN Requested from
it's index.html. Like every 3 second (not long polling , and cause a lot of
IO hits . not really good)

I am wanting to implement a Long Polling comet directly inside Web2py's
Rocket web server and i need pointers, as i am also busy with my project. I
will contribute back ofcoz.

1  - Where to look into?
2  - How hard it is? need to use select()  ?

Please let me know.


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