2011/6/6 Alessandro Iob <alessandro....@gmail.com>

> No, it does not work. And the problem is not related to the 
> *_DateTrackerImporter
> as I'm not using the track_changes options.*
> **I've made some tests and I've found that in _Web2pyImporter.__call__ the
> code reaches the "import like 'from x import a, b, ...'" section with the
> vars set to:
>  name = selfgroup.castalia
> caller_file_name =
> C:\w2p\web2py\applications\castalia\controllers/default.py
> self.web2py_path = C:\w2p\web2py
> match_app_dir = <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x018B7420>
> modules_prefix = applications.castalia.modules
> module_prefix + '.' + name =
> applications.castalia.modules.selfgroup.castalia
> fromlist = ('config',)
> level = -1
> then the call to
> super(_Web2pyImporter, self).__call__(
>  modules_prefix+"."+name, globals, locals, fromlist, level
> )
> raises the ImportError exception (No module named
> castalia.modules.selfgroup.castalia).
> The sys.path seems correct:
>  ['', 'C:\\w2p\\web2py\\site-packages', 'C:\\w2p\\web2py',
> 'C:\\w2p\\web2py\\gluon', 'C:\\w2p\\web2py\\library.zip']
> No clue.
When you are using "Castalia" as the name of your application, is all code
values above appears with "castalia" in lower case?



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