check trunk. I removed it. I am sure we can do better.

On Jun 5, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Ryan Seto wrote:

> Thank you very much for your prompt response.
> It looks like the file gluon/ does pull in some extra
> dependencies, however.
> It tries to import restricted on line 20 and import globals on line 863.
> The restricted module dependency may be easy to remove, since it
> appears that it only uses it for raising exceptions.  However, it
> looks like the Response object is used from the globals module.
> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 9:12 PM, Massimo Di Pierro
> <> wrote:
>> On Jun 4, 7:58 pm, Ryan Seto <> wrote:
>>> I really like how elegant and simple it is to create views in web2py.
>>> Would it be possible to use the view/template engine in a standalone
>>> application?
>> yes.
>> you only need the file gluon/
>> look at the example inside. You only the render function.
>>> I'm writing a desktop application to view formatted text, like
>>> markdown, using PyQT's QtWebKit to render the generated html, and I
>>> would like to integrate web2py's method for generating views into my
>>> project.
>>> I've been looking through web2py's source and the mailing list, and it
>>> seems that response.render( view_text, dict() ) might be the closest
>>> thing to what I'm looking for.  However, it looks like there's a lot
>>> of dependencies wrapped around it and the objects weren't made to be
>>> used in the context of another application.
>>> If this is the case, would it make sense to compartmentalize the parts
>>> for rendering a view into it's own module so they can be used in a
>>> standalone application, similar to the dal?  I would be willing to
>>> come up with a patch for this, if I could get some hints on where to
>>> start.

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