It is works inside model file. But I have several controllers that working with a same table and I need to set the controller name in model. Currently I can't setup second controller. So assigning field.represent in model is not suitable for me.
Can anyone describe me why assigning the field.represent in controller with plugin_jqgrid doesn't work? Model code: db.define_table('plot', Field('id','id', represent=lambda id: SPAN(id,' ',A('edit',_href=URL(r=request,c='default',f='plot_update',args=id))) #works! ... Controller code: def plot_list(): id: SPAN(id,' ',A('edit',_href=URL(r=request,c='default',f='plot_update',args=id))) # not works!!! table=plugin_jqgrid(db.plot) return dict(table=table) Please help.