Can you show an example of your form?

On May 26, 6:46 pm, appydev <> wrote:
> Regards.
> Some time ago I took my first steps with web2py and web programming. Make a
> small application that works perfectly in web2py Version 1.89.5 and earlier,
> but today after spending some time away due to college, I resumed my
> training and I upgraded to web2py 1.95.1, and I realize that my application
> and is not compatible because SQLFORM.factory no longer works when the
> tables have fields with common names.
> The following can be read in the book:
> SQLFORM.factory
>     One form for multiple tables
>         "This only works when to the tables Do not Have field names in
> common. "
> My question is:
> How I can make my application compatible with new versions of web2py without
> having to change the field names in common?
> Translated from Spanish with the help of Google translator.

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