db.define_table('cities', Field('name', 'string'), Field('state', db.states) )
db.define_table('categories', Field('name', 'string') ) db.define_table('places', Field('name', 'string', required=True), Field('address1', 'string'), Field('address2', 'string'), Field('phone', 'string'), Field('city', widget=SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(request, db.cities.name, id_field=db.cities.id)), Field('zip', 'integer'), Field('category', widget=SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(request, db.categories.name, id_field=db.categories.id)), Field('web', 'string'), Field('email', 'string'), Field('description', 'string') ) I havae this tables wit ha two fields with autocomplete, but only show results for the firts field in both fields! I think the problem is in javascript because only consult an first url, something with the html inputs id maybe, the code is highly obfuscated so I have not been able to review it.