That doesn't sound right. It's just an extra page view so should be relatively easy to handle. But I can see if you have several LOAD()s on most pages, that could triple or qudruple the load for the same number of visitors. But my old Mac barely breaks a sweat with several loads on a page. Caching might also help. And Bruno mentioned the new improvements in trunk that might help.
- [web2py] Lighter processing for AJAX requests ? Alexandre Strzelewicz
- [web2py] Re: Lighter processing for AJAX reques... Stodge
- Re: [web2py] Re: Lighter processing for AJA... Vasile Ermicioi
- Re: [web2py] Lighter processing for AJAX reques... Bruno Rocha
- [web2py] Re: Lighter processing for AJAX reques... pbreit
- Re: [web2py] Lighter processing for AJAX reques... Martín Mulone
- Re: [web2py] Lighter processing for AJAX re... pbreit
- Re: [web2py] Lighter processing for AJA... Martín Mulone