My web app will be used by different companies. Defining roles and permissions for the application works well for one company. With more companies there are problems. Defining application table in seems to make the table available to all the companies. This demands permissions defined at record levels and results in much larger tables. (1.)(Is this the only solution?)
I had read in the docs or forums (can't find it after looking again) that db tables are created for a user when they first authenticate - Web2Py only creates the one instance of the table and not any specific to the users group. There might be a specific collections table for role=accountants, (2)but there is no way of causing different collection tables to be created the accountants of different companies? I tried in the controller: #my_customers_name is from a Form entered by user_id to create the "accounts" table accounts = my_customers_name + '_collections_' + str(auth.user_id) db.define_table( accounts , Field('name')) #which created the expected accounts tables in the db folder. # This approach falls apart here: db.?.insert(name='Big Company') #If using the same variable, accounts, Web2Py thinks that is the name of the database. (3) Is there any way to make this last approach work, or is there any other alternatives? Thanks in advance for any advice or pointers to docs. I'm new to Web2Py but progress on the app has been going great! thanks, James