##this block is in my index function : json_gotten = simplejson.load(json_data) redirect(URL('mathworksheet')) #redirect(URL(r=request,f='manageJSON',args=json_gotten)) return dict(passedin=json_gotten) ## then i have this def mathworksheet(): return dict(message=T('Hello World'), number_of_problems=json_gotten["number_of_problems"], questions=json_gotten["questions"]) and i get an error that json_gotten is not defined?? so help
- [web2py] How do i redirect to a different view JagChris
- Re: [web2py] How do i redirect to a different view Jonathan Lundell
- [web2py] Re: How do i redirect to a different vi... JagChris
- [web2py] Re: How do i redirect to a differen... Anthony
- Re: [web2py] Re: How do i redirect to a diff... Jonathan Lundell
- [web2py] Re: How do i redirect to a diff... JagChris
- [web2py] Re: How do i redirect to a... Anthony
- [web2py] Re: How do i redirect ... Anthony
- [web2py] Re: How do i redirect ... JagChris
- [web2py] Re: How do i redir... JagChris
- [web2py] Re: How do i redir... JagChris
- [web2py] Re: How do i redir... Anthony
- [web2py] Re: How do i redir... pbreit
- [web2py] Re: How do i redirect to a different view Plumo