Hi Massimo,

There are typos. See the following patch, especially the last two

(By the way, I am not sure about my first modified line, i.e.
"self.environment = current # for backward compatibility". Some of my
legacy apps uses a sub-classed Crud, which referencing the
self.environment. Yet defining "self.environment = current" seems not
enough because there is still more error tickets. I need to dig deeper
to see what's going on.


diff -r 031e5882c71a gluon/tools.py
--- a/gluon/tools.py    Fri May 06 21:32:30 2011 -0500
+++ b/gluon/tools.py    Sat May 07 20:35:36 2011 +0800
@@ -2666,6 +2666,7 @@
             self.db = environment
         elif not db:
             raise SyntaxError, "must pass db as first or second
+        self.environment = current # for backward compatibility
         self.settings = Settings()
         self.settings.auth = None
         self.settings.logger = None
@@ -3056,12 +3057,12 @@
-        rows = self.rows(table,query,fields,orderby,orderby,limitby)
+        rows = self.rows(table,query,fields,orderby,limitby)
         if not rows:
             return None # Nicer than an empty table.
         if not 'upload' in attr:
             attr['upload'] = self.url('download')
-        if not request.extension in ('html','load'):
+        if not current.request.extension in ('html','load'):
             return rows.as_list()
         if not headers:
             headers = dict((str(k),k.label) for k in table)

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