what a great work!

I just want to thank all developers for this wonderful framework which
is improving weekly: I can not understand why big media publishers are
still ignoring web2py and not aware about its growing user base.


On May 4, 11:09 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Hello everybody....
> Jonathan and I have been working on an internal web2py rewrite that while 
> keeping everything backward compatible will allow you to do this
> ==== modules/mymodule.py
> from gluon import *
> def f(): return DIV(A(current.request.function,_href=URL()))
> ==== end
> ==== default/controller.py
> def index():
>     from mymodule import f
>     return dict(div=f())
> ==== end
> Thanks to Pierre we can now import modules from the app local folder without 
> local_import and thanks to Jonathan those modules only need to do "from gluon 
> import *" to see everything web2py has to offer. This should make life easier 
> for Eclipse users too.
> In models/db.py you no longer need to pass globals() to Auth
>    auth=Auth(globals(),db)
> or
>    auth=Auth(db)
> both work.
> Also error messages in validators (including default error messages) should 
> not be by T(...) by default.
> This is now in trunk but we are still working on it. This means trunk may not 
> very stable for the next day or two.
> Meanwhile help us test it. In particular help us test if we are breaking your 
> apps.
> Massimo

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