thank you so much for your explaination, i've already read that url,
honestly i'm the newbie in python and web2py, could you please give an
example how to pass the global objects to the function as arguments?
i've already test for the simple thing, it work, but for global objects i'm
still confused.
For Modules :
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
from gluon.html import *
from gluon.http import *
from gluon.validators import *
from gluon.sqlhtml import *
# request, response, session, cache, T, db(s)
# must be passed and cannot be imported!

def manage(x):
return x

For Controller:
# coding: utf8
# try something like

exec('import applications.%s.modules.manage as manage' %

def index():
    return manage.manage(T('Hello'))

thank you so much

steve van christie

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