Editing DAL() like that gets me this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Lennon\workspace\web2py_source\gluon\restricted.py",
line 188, in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
  File "C:/Users/Lennon/workspace/web2py_source/applications/sos_test/
models/a_db.py", line 55, in <module>
    db = DAL([Removed for Security],fake_migrate_all=True)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument

On Apr 8, 4:04 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
> 1) get trunk
> 2) comment the missing fields
> 3) run with DAL(...,fake_migrate_all=True)
> 4) visit appadmin
> 5) uncomment the missing fields
> 6) remove fake_migrate_all=True from DAL(...)
> 7) visit appadmin
> did it fix it?
> On Apr 8, 2:21 pm, Lennon <lpru...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > I added the follow fields to my table:
> > Field('rooming_requests','string', length=500, label='Do you have any
> > rooming requests?', widget=SQLFORM.widgets.text.widget,
> > requires=[IS_LENGTH(500)]),
> > Field('misc_info','string', length=500, label='Anything else you would
> > like us to know?', widget=SQLFORM.widgets.text.widget,
> > requires=[IS_LENGTH(500)]),
> > Field('us_citizen','boolean', label='Are you a US citizen?',
> > requires=IS_IN_SET(['T', 'F'],zero='Choose One')),
> > Field('dietary_restrict','string', length=500, label='Do you have any
> > dietary restrictions?', widget=SQLFORM.widgets.text.widget,
> > requires=[IS_LENGTH(500)]),
> > When I did a migrate, the "rooming_requests" field and the "misc_info"
> > fields were added to the table file and to the MySQL database but the
> > "us_citizen" field and the "dietary_restrict" field was not.
> > Subsequent migration attempts have had no effect.
> > Please advise,
> > ~Lennon

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