i am also not sure what you exactly mean, but guessing from the fact
that you have a table with an upload field the code above would work
for that
here is a more complete example

db.define_table('mytable', Field('myfield','upload'))
db.mytable.insert(myfield = db.mytable.myfield.store(open('/etc/
issue'), 'issue file'))
#this is done somewhere in the background when a form is processed so
'issue file' would be the original file name in that case

record = db.mytable[1]
filename, file = db.mytable.myfile.retrieve(record.myfile)
print A(filename, _href = URL(request.application, 'default',
'download', args = record.myfile))

it returns
<a href="/myapplication/default/download/

so you have the original file name and the name under which it is
stored? what other original file name would you need?

On Apr 7, 1:53 pm, carlo <syseng...@gmail.com> wrote:
> mmh, thank you Selecta but I think I did not understand that.
> Could you point me to one of the past posts?
> I do not want to store the original filename in my table, just to get
> the decoded original filename (the one used by the download function
> to set the disposition header).
> I do not think your solution addresses that but maybe I am wrong
> sorry.
> On 7 Apr, 13:24, selecta <gr...@delarue-berlin.de> wrote:
> > record = db.mytable[1]
> > filename, file = db.mytable.myfile.retrieve(record.myfile)
> > A('%s'%filename, _href = URL(request.application, 'default',
> > 'download', args = record.myfile))
> > i read the answer on this mailing list and i provided it to others
> > like 50 times, this should go into the FAQ of web2py

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