
Since I am still learning Web2py i used to search for knowledge here and 
there.. I found quite interesting question on stackoverflow that for my 
understanding is not answered yet.. 
The question:

As I understand the problem - and I am quite interested in answer - is: how 
to get a manual control over database transactions? In case there is a need 
to commit something manually before it's automatically committed by Web2py - 
it can be done easily.
But what about the case when there is a need to have a more sophisticated 
logic and to put a couple of requests-responses into one DB transaction? 

I am not the author of the original question but I think that it's quite 
real business scenario.. for example the case mentioned in the question - 
when you want to give to user a few forms, every form is dependent on the 
form before and to avoid data misintegrity it's better to wait with commit 
until the last form is submitted... obviously everything can be put to the 
session(or cache or whatever) instead of DB but sometimes it's not a 
solution due to size of data.

Any hints how it can be done?



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