Hi Massimo,

I did once more try to setup web2py using mod_wsgi in something
different than /, in my case /ruamel
To be sure I temporarily deactivated the  WSGIScriptAlias for /

Although the welcome page on http://localhost/ruamel tells me it works
it doesn't look like that since the page has no CSS.
Looking in the apache log I saw that web2py still is trying to get the
stylesheets and other stuff from / and not /ruamel

 so I googled and searched through the newsgroup once more only to
your exchange with Graham Dumpleton on
sub url usage and that I had to setup a path in router.py.
I appreciate your concern with backwards compatibility but this is
something that has come up under various names in the past.

The router change works for the welcome app, but errors are not
covered by that.  for that you need to adapt the error_message_ticket
in routes.py as well.

It should not take knowledge of the term sub url to find out about
this, for me that meant several hours searching and trying. I would
assume that if the welcome app cannot find its stylesheets it should
give a useful message. This could easily be achieved in a backwards
compatible way by the following change:
diff -r 1e70764ec03a applications/welcome/views/default/index.html
--- a/applications/welcome/views/default/index.html     Fri Mar 18
09:18:59 2011 +0100
+++ b/applications/welcome/views/default/index.html     Fri Mar 18
14:38:17 2011 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,25 @@
   <li>{{=T('You are successfully running web2py')}}</li>
+<p class="hidden">
+<font style='color: red'>
+Style sheets were not found.
+{{if request.env.get('script_name'):}}
+You probably want to add something like:<br>
+   routes_out=(('(?P&lt;anything>.*)','/{{=request.env.script_name}}
+   error_message_ticket = '<html><body><h1>Internal error</h1>Ticket
issued: <a href="/{{=request.env.script_name}}/admin/default/ticket/%
(ticket)s" target="_blank">%(ticket)s</a></body></html>'
+to the file in {{=request.env.web2py_path}}/routes.py and check
+<a href="http://groups.google.com/group/web2py";>http://
groups.google.com/group/web2py</a> for 'sub url'
   <li>{{=T('This is a copy of the scaffolding application')}}</li>
   <li>{{=T('You can modify this application and adapt it to your

I am not sure there are more issues. Is this the proper direction to


PS I like backwards compatibility. I went from an application on some
December 2009 version to version 1.89 in November without any major

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