Microsoft Excel .xls format (as well as the others) saves its files out in custom binary formats. It is very difficult to import them unless you have a way of decoding the binary format. Using csv, you can easily set up auto-importers (as long as the csv data-structure is fairly static).
This is a bit hacky, but you should be able to get the idea... ########### CSV Example def importer(): my_inserts=[] form=SQLFORM.factory( Field('csv_file', 'upload' , uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder,'static/temp')) ) if form.accepts(request.vars, session): my_file=open(os.path.join(request.folder, 'static/temp', 'form.vars.csv_file), 'r') line=my_file.readline() while line !="": # Be careful how you delimit / split your vars! my_vars=line.split(",") # or whatever try: my_inserts.append( db.my_table.insert( field_one=my_vars[0] ) ) except: # Error handling... pass my_file.close() ## Delete the file... os.unlink(os.path.join(request.folder, 'static/temp', form.vars.csv_file)) return dict(form=form, inserts=my_inserts) ############################################################### Obviously it would be beneficial to do some validation etc. before hand. There's almost definitely some decent python-based csv-parsing module out there (and a better way to accomplish this task), but with the way that the csv files (which I'm importing) are generated, I have to manually parse them due to poor csv-exporting facilities in the responsible apps. Martin On Feb 2, 6:27 pm, mart <> wrote: > sticking purely to text, is there a difference between an excel file > and csv? if formatted properly, it should be the same thing. Extension > names are only incidental, if web2py has the extension hard coded in > its look up, then you should be able to simply rename the file... > > On Feb 2, 9:58 am, Bruno Rocha <> wrote: > > > > > > > > > Take a look at this pack: > > > Bruno Rocha