I agree with Bruno, IMO his suggestion stresses the main feature of
web2py.  I would just suggest a small change to the wording:

   ** Web2py - the web framework that gets things done! **

If Massimo agrees in principle to change,  maybe we should have a
thread on the topic and let the community make suggestions and then he
can choose the best one?

On Mar 15, 1:17 am, rochacbruno <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to drop the enterprise, because translated to portuguese this 
> means "empresarial" which is "corporated" just like Java.
> I like just:
> Web2py - the web framework to get things done!
> Enviado via iPhone
> Em 14/03/2011, às 22:06, pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> escreveu:
> > Agreed. "enterprise" is it bit odd here.

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