Great!. Congratulations! I'm too far from there :(

2011/3/10 Anthony <>

> I think it went very well from the audience perspective as well. Massimo's
> computer was set on Chicago time (Atlanta is an hour later), so he
> accidentally gave us our break an hour late -- but no one seemed to notice
> or care because Massimo's tour de force of web2py's capabilities was so
> engaging. Most attendees were relatively new to web2py, so Massimo had to
> spend some extra time on the basics, but folks seemed quite impressed with
> what they saw (looks like a couple of them sent out some tweets during the
> tutorial). Massimo had a prepared script, but as questions came up, he
> quickly whipped up some cool examples on the fly as well (e.g.,
> demonstrating web services). Near the end, Massimo said, "Now let's do
> something more complex -- we've got 20 minutes left, so let's build a
> Facebook clone." The audience thought he was joking a chuckled, but sure
> enough, 20 minutes later we had a working Facebook clone created from
> scratch (friend relationships and wall postings). Although it ended right in
> the middle of lunch hour, most folks stayed an extra 20 minutes or so for
> some Q&A (including more impromptu coding examples by Massimo). A number of
> folks stayed even later to chat with Massimo. Overall, I think it was very
> successful. We even had Guido van Rossum drop in for a good chunk of the
> tutorial.
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, March 9, 2011 5:41:09 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I am at PyCon in Atlanta. Greetings to all of you. The web2py tutorial
>> went very well (at least from my prospective) there were about 18 in
>> the room which is more than I was told would attend.
>> If you are in Atlanta,  see you in the lobby at 6pm and we go out for
>> dinner.
>> Massimo

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