On Mar 10, 2011, at 2:18 PM, LightOfMooN wrote:
> because it's not beautiful ;)

Well, the field you're using in the database doesn't have a beautiful 

> On 11 мар, 03:16, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 10, 2011, at 11:57 AM, LightOfMooN wrote:
>>> the same result..
>>> so my validate for value is:
>>> isinstance(value, int) and -2147483649<value<2147483648
>>> It works fine, but... it's not good...
>> Why not? You shouldn't be relying on sizeof(int).
>>> On 10 мар, 23:32, Martín Mulone <mulone.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Better use:
>>>> if isinstance(value, int):
>>>> instead of
>>>> if type(value)==int:
>>>> 2011/3/9 LightOfMooN <vladsale...@yandex.ru>
>>>>> value=request.vars.myvar
>>>>> try:
>>>>>    value = int(value)
>>>>> except:
>>>>>    pass
>>>>> if type(value)==int:
>>>>>    insert(....)
>>>>> it rises
>>>>> <class 'psycopg2.InternalError'>(current transaction is aborted,
>>>>> commands ignored until end of transaction block)
>>>>> even if value > 2147483647
>>>>> But why?
>>>>> It's so strange, because type(value) must be long.
>>>> --
>>>> Pablo Martín Mulone (mar...@tecnodoc.com.ar)http://www.tecnodoc.com.ar/
>>>> My blog:http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar
>>>> Expert4Solution 
>>>> Profile:http://www.experts4solutions.com/e4s/default/expert/6

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