I put the script statements in a function in the controller and it
works fine.

The Task Manager doesn't show any python.exe processes when web2py is
running as a service.

@ Brian, apparently cron should work
but I know Massimo doesn't deal much with Windows, perhaps someone
here can confirm that it does indeed work, and provide some answers to
the questions above?

In the meantime I better look into wget...

Many thanks.

On Mar 9, 8:43 pm, pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you know if the script runs without error? What I do sometimes is put the
> script into controller.py and try to run it from there. My only guess at
> this point is perhaps there might be a permission problem writing to the
> "cron" directory.
> In your Windows Task Manager can you see that multiple python processes are
> running? To make absolutely certain, you might want to kill all of the
> python processes (or restart Windows) and then watch your Task Manager as
> web2py starts up.

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