Sorry for the nit picking on a good overview of Python showing important concepts, but I caught a few typos:
Line 156 (around 13:30) Python programmers prefer using 'self' instead of 'self' should obviously be Python programmers prefer using 'self' instead of 'this' around 18:00 190> print D(sin,x) x is never initialized to the value of 1 mentioned in the comments print D(sin,1) 194> print D(lambda y: f(7,y),1) should be print D(lambda y: g(7,y),1) g being the function previously defined. and at the very end: 233> # you can redistrubute this video freely 233> # you can redistribute this video freely Note: I did not check the statistical functions defined around 23:00. And, Massimo please don't use that short looped background music.