Hi David, This is the relevant part of the model file, table definition:
db.define_table('company', Field('name',length=54,default='',notnull=True), Field('CoC_number',length=8), Field('subdossiernumber',length=4,default='0000'), ... Field(...), migrate=False) ... and the validator that's causing the problem: db.company.CoC_number.requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.company.subdossiernumber==request.vars.subdossiernumber),db.company.CoC_number,error_message='combination of CoC-number and subdossiernumber already in database') > Seems strange that you are creating a form for a real table by using > SQLFORM.factory. Why do that, rather than create a normal form? Because I want to use one form to update multiple tables, and from the web2py manual: http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#One-form-for-multiple-tables I learned to use form=SQLFORM.formfactory(...) for that purpose. If there's another solution for having one form to update multiple tables, please let me know. Kind regards, Annet.