I found a utility called Festival that runs on ubuntu. 

sudo apt-get festival

That sounds good too. 

Em 06/03/2011, às 19:16, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> 

> OSX comes a os utility called say
> example:
> $ say hello world
> speaks better than me.
> On Mar 6, 4:10 pm, rochacbruno <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What did you use for the voice sintetization?
>> Enviado via iPhone
>> Em 06/03/2011, às 14:57, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> 
>> escreveu:
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW5xOdDk-BE
>>> Here are the steps:
>>> # let us go into our web2py folder
>>> cd /Users/mdipierro/Desktop/demo/web2py
>>> # and we create a new app called pos (point of sale)
>>> cd applications
>>> mkdir pos
>>> rm -r pos/*
>>> # we make it a clone of the scaffolding application
>>> cp -r welcome/* pos/
>>> cd pos
>>> openhttp://
>>> # lets get janrain working!
>>> edit models/db.py
>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>> # this file is released under public domain and you can use without
>>> limitations
>>> #########################################################################
>>> ## This scaffolding model makes your app work on Google App Engine too
>>> #########################################################################
>>> if request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:            # if running on Google
>>> App Engine
>>>    db = DAL('gae')                           # connect to Google
>>> BigTable
>>>                                              # optional DAL('gae://
>>> namespace')
>>>    session.connect(request, response, db = db) # and store sessions
>>> and tickets there
>>>    ### or use the following lines to store sessions in Memcache
>>>    # from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
>>>    # from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
>>>    # session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))
>>> else:                                         # else use a normal
>>> relational database
>>>    db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')       # if not, use SQLite or
>>> other DB
>>> ## if no need for session
>>> # session.forget()
>>> #########################################################################
>>> ## Here is sample code if you need for
>>> ## - email capabilities
>>> ## - authentication (registration, login, logout, ... )
>>> ## - authorization (role based authorization)
>>> ## - services (xml, csv, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amf, rss)
>>> ## - crud actions
>>> ## (more options discussed in gluon/tools.py)
>>> #########################################################################
>>> from gluon.tools import *
>>> mail = Mail()                                  # mailer
>>> auth = Auth(globals(),db)                      # authentication/
>>> authorization
>>> crud = Crud(globals(),db)                      # for CRUD helpers
>>> using auth
>>> service = Service(globals())                   # for json, xml,
>>> jsonrpc, xmlrpc, amfrpc
>>> plugins = PluginManager()
>>> mail.settings.server = 'logging' or 'smtp.gmail.com:587'  # your SMTP
>>> server
>>> mail.settings.sender = '...@gmail.com'         # your email
>>> mail.settings.login = 'username:password'      # your credentials or
>>> None
>>> auth.settings.hmac_key = '<your secret key>'   # before
>>> define_tables()
>>> auth.define_tables()                           # creates all needed
>>> tables
>>> auth.settings.mailer = mail                    # for user email
>>> verification
>>> auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False
>>> auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = False
>>> auth.messages.verify_email = 'Click on the link
>>> http://'+request.env.http_host+URL('default','user',args=['verify_email'])+ 
>>> '/%(key)s
>>> to verify your email'
>>> auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True
>>> auth.messages.reset_password = 'Click on the link
>>> http://'+request.env.http_host+URL('default','user',args=['reset_password'] 
>>> )+'/%(key)s
>>> to reset your password'
>>> #########################################################################
>>> ## If you need to use OpenID, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin,
>>> etc.
>>> ## register with janrain.com, uncomment and customize following
>>> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import RPXAccount
>>> auth.settings.actions_disabled=['register','change_password','request_reset 
>>> _password']
>>> api_key = open('/Users/mdipierro/
>>> janrain_api_key.txt','r').read().strip()
>>> auth.settings.login_form = RPXAccount(request,
>>> api_key=api_key,domain='web2py',
>>>    url = "http://localhost:8000/%s/default/user/login"; %
>>> request.application)
>>> ## other login methods are in gluon/contrib/login_methods
>>> #########################################################################
>>> crud.settings.auth = None                      # =auth to enforce
>>> authorization on crud
>>> @@END@@
>>> openhttp://
>>> # then we create a custom model
>>> edit models/db_pos.py
>>> # we need a table to store products
>>> db.define_table('product',
>>>   Field('name',notnull=True,unique=True),
>>>   Field('price','double'),
>>>   Field('description','text'),
>>>   Field('image','upload'),
>>>   Field('sortable','integer'),
>>>   auth.signature,
>>>   format='%(name)s')
>>> # and one table to store sales of products to users
>>> db.define_table('sale',
>>>   Field('invoice'),
>>>   Field('creditcard'),
>>>   Field('buyer',db.auth_user),
>>>   Field('product',db.product),
>>>   Field('quantity','integer'),
>>>   Field('price','double'),
>>>   Field('shipped','boolean',default=False),
>>>   auth.signature),
>>> # we also make a session cart, just in case
>>> session.cart = session.cart or {}
>>> @@END@@
>>> # we can now already access the model via app-admin
>>> # try create some products
>>> openhttp://
>>> # we can also create prducts programmatically here is one way
>>> mkdir private
>>> cd private
>>> #  let's get an image
>>> wgethttp://www.clker.com/cliparts/5/1/9/a/11954319101307220149molumen_car...
>>> sh:convert 11954319101307220149molumen_cardboard_box.svg.med.png
>>> box.jpg
>>> open box.jpg
>>> cd ..
>>> edit private/script.py
>>> import os
>>> # find the box
>>> path = os.path.join(request.folder,'private','box.jpg')
>>> # insert it in a database record
>>> id = db.product.insert(name='Box',price=2.99,description='the best
>>> box',
>>> image=db.product.image.store(open(path,'rb'),path))
>>> print 'record created, id=',id
>>> # and do not forget to commit
>>> db.commit()
>>> @@END@@
>>> # now let's run it
>>> cd ../..
>>> python web2py.py -S pos -M -N -R applications/pos/private/script.py
>>> cd applications/pos
>>> # let us write a controller with the actions we need
>>> rm controllers/default.py
>>> edit controllers/default.py
>>> # list of products
>>> def index():
>>>   products = db(db.product).select(orderby=db.product.sortable)
>>>   return locals()
>>> # login, registration, etcetera
>>> def user():
>>>    return dict(form=auth())
>>> # an action to download uploaded images
>>> def download():
>>>    return response.download(request,db)
>>> # an action to expose web services
>>> def call():
>>>    session.forget()
>>>    return service()
>>> @@END@@
>>> # let us try listing the products we created
>>> openhttp://
>>> # let us make this better by creating a view
>>> rm views/default/index.html
>>> edit views/default/index.html
>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>> <h1>Products</h1>
>>> {{for p in products:}}
>>>  <div>
>>>    <h2>{{=p.name}} - ${{=p.price}}</h2>
>>>    <img src="{{=URL('download',args=p.image)}}" align="right"/>
>>>    {{=MARKMIN(p.description)}}
>>>  </div>
>>> {{pass}}
>>> @@END@@
>>> openhttp://
>>> # and we make a simple menu
>>> edit models/menu.py
>>> response.menu=[
>>>   (T('Home'),False,URL('default','index')),
>>>   (T('Cart'),False,URL('default','cart')),
>>>   (T('Buy'),False,URL('default','buy')),
>>> ]
>>> @@END@@
>>> openhttp://
>>> # now we create some more logic for our app
>>> edit controllers/default.py
>>> # list of products
>>> def index():
>>>   products = db(db.product).select(orderby=db.product.sortable)
>>>   return locals()
>>> # login, registration, etcetera
>>> def user():
>>>    return dict(form=auth())
>>> # an action to download uploaded images
>>> def download():
>>>    return response.download(request,db)
>>> # an action to expose web services
>>> def call():
>>>    session.forget()
>>>    return service()
>>> # an action to see and process a shopping cart
>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>> def cart():
>>>    return dict(cart=session.cart)
>>> # this is for paying
>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>> def pay():
>>>    form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('creditcard'))
>>>    if form.accepts(request,session):
>>>        for key, value in session.cart.items():
>>>            db.sale.insert(buyer=auth.user.id,
>>>                           product = key,
>>>                           quantity = value,
>>>                           price = db.product(key).price,
>>>                           creditcard = form.vars.creditcard)
>>>        session.cart.clear()
>>>        session.flash = 'Thank you for your order'
>>>        redirect(URL('index'))
>>>    return dict(cart=session.cart,form=form)
>>> # an action to add and remove items from the shopping cart
>>> def cart_callback():
>>>    id = int(request.vars.id)
>>>    if request.vars.action == 'add':
>>>        session.cart[id]=session.cart.get(id,0)+1
>>>    if request.vars.action == 'sub':
>>>        session.cart[id]=max(0,session.cart.get(id,0)-1)
>>>    return str(session.cart[id])
>>> @@END@@
>>> # we add a button from the index page
>>> edit views/default/index.html
>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>> <h1>Products</h1>
>>> {{for p in products:}}
>>>  <div>
>>>    <h2>{{=p.name}} - ${{=p.price}}</h2>
>>>    <img src="{{=URL('download',args=p.image)}}" align="right"/>
>>>    {{=MARKMIN(p.description)}}
>>>    <span id="item{{=p.id}}">{{=session.cart.get(p.id,0)}}</span> in
>>> cart - <button
>>> onclick="ajax('{{=URL('cart_callback',vars=dict(id=p.id,action='add'))}}',
>>> [],'item{{=p.id}}')">add to cart</button>
>>>  </div>
>>> {{pass}}
>>> @@END@@
>>> # and a view for the cart so visitors can see their products
>>> edit views/default/cart.html
>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>> <h1>Your Shopping Cart</h1>
>>> <table width="100%">
>>>  {{for id, qty in cart.items():}}{{p=db.product(id)}}
>>>  <tr>
>>>    <td>{{=p.name}}</td>
>>>    <td>${{=p.price}}</td>
>>>    <td id="item{{=id}}">{{=qty}}</td>
>>>    <td><button...
>> read more »

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