You could try for '. and ': in a model and I am pretty sure there is
no ambiguity. Moreover if the Field(s) are indented the . and : are
easy to spot. That was the rationale.


On Mar 6, 3:51 pm, villas <> wrote:
> > Too late now...
> Well... you're right - we do have quite a bit of magic already  :-)
> But extra punctuation marks don't make the code very readable.
> More meaningful abbreviations would prompt people to look them up if
> they don't know them.
> For example, if an abbreviation was:  Field('vf:name') - short for
> "visible false",
> I could make a search in the book for 'vf:' and I would discover the
> meaning immediately.
> Now try a similar search in the book for '.'
> -D

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