Please check group history for most of the ????
Some features are not documented, to continue development of them and
make available for more users to test.
If test passed with success, feature get documented and this feature
will be same in all next releases.
And yes, if it not documented, it is not exist and no complains for
brocked compatibality could be.

fix me.

On 6 мар, 22:52, Luis Díaz <> wrote:
> perhaps for lack of time and hard work
> has not documented the new features ....
> but a new feature that is not reported or explained, is a feature that does
> not exist :S
> Greetings and thanks for the good work!
> Happy Carnival: D
> Díaz Luis
> TSU Analisis de Sistemas
> Universidad de Carabobo
> Facultad de 
> Odontología<>
> 2011/3/6 <>
> > - css3 buttons in welcome - What is This???
> > Foi inserido mais uma ferramenta para inserir botões estilizados com e sem
> > ícones com CSS 3. Um exemplo disso:
> >
> > _____________________________________________
> > *Gilson Filho*
> > *Web Developer
> >*

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