On Thursday, March 3, 2011 1:19:14 PM UTC-5, Eduardo wrote: 
> Thank you all. Editing appadmin will do. I am, however, having a hard 
> time identifying export_to_csv( ) either in views/appadmin.html or 
> appadmin.py. While import_from_csv is clearly called from within 
> appadmin.import_csv, I am unable to identify how export_to_csv is 
> called there.

The export is done by the csv() function in appadmin.py: 
That function returns:
The db(query).select() is a DAL Rows object, and since it is passed to 
str(), the __str__ method of the Rows class is applied. You can see the 
__str__ method of the Rows class in dal.py here: 
As you can see, the __str__ method ultimately calls the export_to_csv_file 
method, which is here: 
I suppose you could write your own export_tab_delimited function that works 
like __str__ but passes delimiter='\t' to export_to_csv_file. Maybe 
something like this added to appadmin.py:
import cStringIO
def export_tab_delimited(rows):
    s = cStringIO.StringIO()
    rows.export_to_csv_file(s, delimiter='\t')
    return s.getvalue()
And then change the last line of the csv() function to:
    return export_tab_delimited(db(query).select())

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