> The problem is that not everything is json and rss serializable. What > does your action look like?
a controller has a function called get_companies() The companies table was chosen because it is readable as flat, for learning.. (interested in .html .json and then perhaps .csv) def get_companies(): rows = db().select( db.companies.ALL, orderby=db.companies.company_short_name) return dict(rows=rows, description='description') ##--------- I *do* use dates, but surprisingly, there are none here... db.define_table('companies', Field('pkey', type='integer'), Field('company_full_name', type='text'), Field('company_short_name', type='text'), Field('net_sales', type='integer'), primarykey=['pkey'], migrate=migrate) ##------- so I am not sure what is not serializable about companies as a beginner, it does look like there is some room for improvement here.. .html .json .xml etc is a powerful facility. would be great to be bulletproofed!