Did you ever get this working how you wanted? Did you stick to a wildcard CNAME or A record? It seems to me that if you use an A record, the domain as displayed in the address bar continues to include the sub-domain. Whereas a CNAME does more of a redirect. Do I have that right?
- [web2py] Creating subdomain on user registration Prashanth
- Re: [web2py] Creating subdomain on user registrati... Jonathan Lundell
- Re: [web2py] Creating subdomain on user regist... Kenneth Lundström
- Re: [web2py] Creating subdomain on user re... Jonathan Lundell
- [web2py] Re: Creating subdomain on use... Prashanth
- Re: [web2py] Re: Creating subdoma... Jonathan Lundell
- [web2py] Re: Creating subdomain o... pbreit
- [web2py] Re: Creating subdoma... Prashanth
- Re: [web2py] Re: Creating... Jonathan Lundell