Hello web2py users, I'm having a rough day - I hope you can help me out.
Today I came to work, updated the source of the web2py application I'm working on using svn, and fired up web2py to find that an error ticket is being served when I request the default index page of my application. When I click on the error ticket link, it sends me another error ticket link. I am able to access the welcome application as well as previous applications I've worked on, but not the really important one or the admin application. I was using the os x install. In the console messages window, I saw some FORK error messages and read in other posts that its a mac 10.5 issue. Also, I saw that people had similar issues resolved by running from source. I have ran from source using 10.5 and upgraded to 10.6 to no avail. Eh. I'm at a loss for what to do. Any ideas ? I'd be happy to provide more information if needed. Here is a snippet of the error message from the admin error ticket : S"<Storage {'status': 200, 'body': <cStringIO.Stri...ex.html', 'files': [], '_custom_rollback': None}>" p481 sS'THEAD' p482 S"<class 'gluon.html.THEAD'>" p483 sS'_config' p484 S"{'__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <type 'exceptions.ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>, 'BaseException': <type 'exceptions.BaseException'>, 'BufferError': <type 'exceptions.BufferError'>, 'BytesWarning': <type 'exceptions.BytesWarning'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <type 'exceptions.DeprecationWarning'>, 'EOFError': <type 'exceptions.EOFError'>, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'EnvironmentError': <type 'exceptions.EnvironmentError'>, ...}, 'password': 'c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b'}" p485 sS'fix_newlines' p486 S'<function fix_newlines at 0x100504ed8>' p487 sS'GAE_APPCFG' p488 S"'/usr/local/bin/appcfg.py'" p489 sg55 S"<Storage {'function': 'index', 'body': <cStringI... 13, 58, 25, 114596), 'post_vars': <Storage {}>}>" p490 sS'difflib' p491 S"<module 'difflib' from '/System/Library/Framewor...ramework/Versions/ 2.6/lib/python2.6/difflib.pyc'>" p492 sS'IS_IN_SET' p493 S"<class 'gluon.validators.IS_IN_SET'>" p494 sS'IS_UPLOAD_FILENAME' p495 S"<class 'gluon.validators.IS_UPLOAD_FILENAME'>" p496 sS'time' p497 S"<module 'time' from '/System/Library/Frameworks/.../Versions/2.6/lib/ python2.6/lib-dynload/time.so'>" p498 sS'IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE' p499 S"<class 'gluon.validators.IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE'>" p500 sS'regex_extend' p501 S'<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x10112ed50>' p502 sS're' p503 S"<module 're' from '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/ Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/re.pyc'>" p504 sS'T' S'<gluon.languages.translator object at 0x11068d3d0>' p505 sssS'traceback' p506 S'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/Users/cbaron/Desktop/ web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted\n exec ccode in environment\n File "/Users/cbaron/Desktop/web2py/applications/ admin/models/db.py", line 4, in <module>\n if MULTI_USER_MODE: \nNameError: name \'MULTI_USER_MODE\' is not defined\n' p507 s. Here is a snippet from the pluginApp error ticket : p232 S"{'A': <class 'gluon.html.A'>, 'B': <class 'gluon.html.B'>, 'BEAUTIFY': <class 'gluon.html.BEAUTIFY'>, 'BODY': <class 'gluon.html.BODY'>, 'BR': <class 'gluon.html.BR'>, 'CENTER': <class 'gluon.html.CENTER'>, 'CLEANUP': <class 'gluon.validators.CLEANUP'>, 'CODE': <class 'gluon.html.CODE'>, 'CRYPT': <class 'gluon.validators.CRYPT'>, 'DAL': <class 'gluon.dal.DAL'>, ...}" p233 sS'subtitle' p234 S"<lazyT 'customize me!'>" p235 sS'session_id_name' p236 S"'session_id_pluginapp'" p237 sS'_custom_commit' p238 S'None' p239 sS'files' p240 S'[]' p241 sS'view' p242 S"'default/index.html'" p243 ssS'locals' p244 (dp245 S'rtablename' p246 S"'graftedTree'" p247 sS'refs' p248 S"['graftedTree']" p249 sS'field' p250 S'<gluon.dal.Field object at 0x10155ca90>' p251 sS'fieldname' p252 S"'graftedTreeId'" p253 sS'rtable' p254 S"<Table {'all': <gluon.dal.SQLALL object at 0x101...ndate': <gluon.dal.Field object at 0x10155c1d0>}>" p255 sS'ref' p256 S"'graftedTree'" p257 sS'self' p258 S"<Table {'all': <gluon.dal.SQLALL object at 0x101..., 'id': <gluon.dal.Field object at 0x10155cc90>}>" p259 sssS'traceback' p260 S'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/Users/cbaron/Desktop/ web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted\n exec ccode in environment\n File "/Users/cbaron/Desktop/web2py/applications/ pluginApp/models/plugin_treeGrafter.py", line 22, in <module>\n Field( \'affectedNodeId\', db.node ) )\n File "/Users/cbaron/Desktop/ web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 3493, in define_table\n t._create_references()\n File "/Users/cbaron/Desktop/web2py/gluon/ dal.py", line 3795, in _create_references\n raise SyntaxError, "Table: table \'%s\'does not exist" % rtablename\nSyntaxError: Table: table \'graftedTree\'does not exist\n' p261 s. Thanks in advance, Chris Baron