To clarify; I am using 1.91.6 and using as a custom widget an XML helper containing a <script> (the javascript part), an <input> (the thing I wish to submit) and a <div> (a placeholder for the jquery color picker).
On Feb 22, 3:33 pm, Kerem Eryılmaz <> wrote: > Hey all, > Anybody having trouble with setting <input> values using jQuery? I am > using this jQuery widget called farbtastic (a color picker) as a > custom widget for one of my fields, and it displays just fine i.e. I > click on a color and the input field displays the corresponding value. > However, when I submit my form, the target field apparently still has > the value None (instead of the code for the color i just picked, which > I can see displayed in the field) and fails to validate because of > this. I am stuck, although the task seems perfectly trivial. Any > ideas? Is it not enough to set the "value" attribute of an <input> > element to change its, well, value? > > I am using something like $('#colorfield').val(colorpicker.color) , > and following the naming conventions i.e. tablename_fieldname for > id's.