Hi!! I'm using powertable plugin for a simple app I have the following: (Model)
db.define_table('location', Field('name','string'),format='%(name)s') db.define_table('car', Field('name','string'), Field('model','string'), Field('location_id',db.location), Field('price','string'), Field('status','string'), Field('owner','string'), Field('phone','string'), Field('comments','text'),,format='%(name)s') (Controller init/default) def index(): powerTable = plugins.powerTable powerTable.datasource = db.car powerTable.dtfeatures['sScrollY'] = '338' powerTable.dtfeatures['sScrollX'] = '100%' powerTable.headers = 'labels' powerTable.showkeycolumn = False powerTable.dtfeatures['bJQueryUI'] = request.vars.get('jqueryui',True) powerTable.uitheme = request.vars.get('theme','smoothness')#'smoothness' powerTable.dtfeatures['sPaginationType'] = request.vars.get('pager','scrolling') # two_button full_numbers powerTable.keycolumn = 'car.id' powerTable.columns = ['car.name', 'car.model', 'car.location_id', 'car.price', 'car.status' ] powerTable.extrajs = dict(autoresize={}, details={'detailscolumns':'car.owner,\ car.phone,\ car.comments' }) return dict(table=powerTable.create()) (View init/default/index) {{extend 'layout.html'}} <center><h2>Welcome test app</h2></center> {{=table}} But I'd like to do this: Before showing the table with all the data, I need to have a dropdown with the location_id and according to the location the user has selected is the data that is shown. So for example if I have 3 locations (garage,office,other) and the user selects "garage" It must only show the table with the records where location_id = garage. How could I do this, I have some ideas, but nothing clear.