I can see the stored data, but I just do not know how to extract the required values,
Do I have to unpickle these files somehow, or is there perhaps a more framework-conform-approach to query these two values? I would not like to import external libraries for this. I thought querying user_name/is_logged_in by session_id would be a basic built in functionality... THX Dieter Asman On 13 Feb., 15:54, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote: > The session it is the name of the sessions file under app/sessions. It > is a pickle. Try open it and see what is inside. > > On Feb 13, 6:43 am, AsmanCom <d.as...@web.de> wrote: > > > > > > > > > Does nobody know, how to query these two values by the given > > session_id (session_id_myapp= > > badbcdbe6a30)? > > > 1. is_logged_in (boolean) > > 2. username or user email (string) > > > I looked in the book, i´ve searched this group, i´ve searched the web, > > but still can´t find any Solution... > > > So could anyone, who knows about the auth-process, please take a look > > at it. > > > Thanks in advance. > > Dieter Asman