I creating a routes.py with the following


so when i type mydomain.com it should point to that directory that has
that application installed

On Feb 13, 10:44 am, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use autoroutes in routes.py
> You need routes.confhttp://snipt.net/rochacbruno/routesconf/
> In the above file replace with your domain and your app.
> /yourapp/default
> yourdomain.com /yourapp/default
> <http://snipt.net/rochacbruno/routesconf/>and 
> routes.pyhttp://snipt.net/rochacbruno/routespy/
> with the example above you get rid of the app name, so
> yourapp.com/indexwill call yourapp,com/default/index
> if you just need to your app to be the default, you can simply rename the
> app folder to "init"
> <http://snipt.net/rochacbruno/routespy/>
> --
> Bruno Rochahttp://about.me/rochacbruno/bio
> 2011/2/13 stargate <kyoukh...@gmail.com>
> > I was wondering how do I configure routes.py so that my application
> > myapp works like this
> > when i typewww.myapp.comit will go to that web2py application.  I
> > know in windows i can edit the host file in windows but I want it to
> > go directly to my application.  All of my paths are absolute paths

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