On Feb 8, 2011, at 12:24 PM, David J. wrote:
> Thanks Jonathan;
> This works too;


This *could* be an option to URL, since it has internal access to request. 
Suppose we added arguments URL(..., secure=None, host=None).

This case would mean the current behavior. Secure could be True or False for 
https/http. Host could be a string.

Specifying just a host would mean: use scheme from request.env.

Specifying just secure True/False would mean: use host from request.env.

The host & scheme would be prepended after all rewriting.

> Thanks;
> On 2/8/11 3:11 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
>> On Feb 8, 2011, at 11:41 AM, David J. wrote:
>>> Well than maybe someone could inform them; ;)
>>> It would be useful; My current work around is to make the whole site secure 
>>> cringe;
>> If you know that the host info is valid, you could write:
>>      'https://%s%s' % (request.env.http_host, URL("function"))
>> web2py has no guarantee of knowing the host name; that depends on how it's 
>> deployed (consider the case of a proxy).
>>> On 2/8/11 2:36 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> Because the URL function does not know the "https://example.com";. Only
>>>> the web server knows it.
>>>> We do have a URL(,sign=....) option to digitally sign URLs.
>>>> On Feb 8, 12:58 pm, "David J."<da...@styleflare.com>   wrote:
>>>>> I was wondering why URL does not include a secure flag?
>>>>> I think it should be able to set "secure" url's
>>>>> For example if you do URL("function",secure=True)
>>>>> We generate a complete URL
>>>>> https://example.com/welcome/default/function

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