I am a bit curious why you went with Closure instead of GWT (with or
without pyjamas). Were there specific reasons you could share?

On Dec 12 2010, 5:14 am, dspiteself <dspites...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is not public yet, but it is in trial use by handful of offices. It
> is a commercial product so the source would not be availiable, but we
> would be interested in collaborating on any open source project to
> better integrate googleclosuresupport.
> It would be helpful for all developers to compress their long list of
> js files. Especially if the users begin to use more plugins.  We could
> implement some of the additional plovr features in a controller so I
> do not have to run a java process in the background of all my
> development boxes restart it every time you change the config. Googles
> dependancy tool is already python.
> After the functionality of plovr is all replicated you could integrate
> further and implement a python goog.require()to call in your
> controllers and views instead of adding script tags. Then you would
> only have one js well compressed file to download in compile mode and
> still have a debug mode where you could read your code.
> More importantly it will encourage users to build better libraries and
> share their javascript code.  This will help web2py attract more
> complex projects.
> On Dec 9, 5:21 pm, Richard <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > thanks - I have been reading that book and heard of plovr
> > If your large app public?
> On Dec 9, 5:21 pm, Richard <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > thanks - I have been reading that book and heard of plovr
> > If your large app public?

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