I have renewed interest in using web2py for simple Google gadgets and CRUD updates to a web database, and in exploring it, wondered if I could load and use it on my iPad. Well, sure enough, I got it going! Very impressive!!
Procedure is: a) jailbreak your iPad & install Cydia (a bit involved, but there's lots of howto's on the web) b) set your type as "developer" in Cydia (your prompted initially, - or you may not be able to find Python, to install it c) install unix commands - OpenSSH, wget, unzip, (vim) - via Cydia d) install iphone/python (2.5) e) install pTerm via iPad appstore f) using pTerm, login to root@localhost (default pswd is "alpine" - change it using "passwd"!!) g) at sys prompt, use "wget http:/web2py/examples/static/ web2py_src.zip" h) then "unzip web2py_src.zip" i) then "cd web2py" j) then "./web2py" ... enter a password (no gui but not prob) k) use pTerm browser (via tapping the [...] button at upper right) to browse to localhost:8000 l) your there, with sqlite and all! Even the editor works with the iPad (most don't)!! So just in case anyone else out there is a little crazy like me, this is how it is done: Notes: 1) Jailbreaking your iPad: At the moment, it's still a Mac only, 'tethered' jailbreak, meaning; to enable the jailbreak mode you have to boot the device connected to your Mac, using redsn0w utility, and selecting the "just boot tethered' mode - otherwise the it will boot with jailbreaking disabled 2) pTerm does not go into background properly, so it will kill web2py if you try to use an iPad browser instead of the built in one - hopefully this is updated soon. Here's some screenshots on picasa -> https://picasaweb.google.com/kgingeri/Wep2pyOnIpad?feat=directlink