Neveen, I've got a mini app that I upload excel files to for later parsing, here's now I do it. Getting the file would probably be even easier if you used an upload field in the DB & CRUD forms.
def excel_uploader(): response.subtitle = "Upload excel file " from gluon.sqlhtml import form_factory form=form_factory(SQLField('import_xls','upload')) if form.accepts(request.vars,session): request.flash='Received: %s'%request.vars.import_xls path = os.path.join(request.folder,'private','spreadsheet_to_process.xls') #I happen to be copying the uploaded file to a known location & filename, but you wouldn't have to #the uploaded file gets saved to the /uploads folder with a auto-generated name too import shutil shutil.copyfileobj(request.vars.import_xls.file,open(path, 'wb')) #Then redirect to the next screen (or do the processing now) redirect(URL(r=request, f='process_excel')) return dict(form=form) def process_excel(): import xlrd from applications.app_name.modules.readexcel import readexcel as readexcel #see excel_filepath = os.path.join(request.folder,'private','spreadsheet_to_process.xls') xl = readexcel(excel_filepath) sheetnames = xl.worksheets() #for sheet in sheetnames: # print sheet #for row in xl.getiter('Sheet name'): # print row return dict(rows = xl.getiter('Sheet Contents'))