Hi, I'm running web2py 1.91.6 on google app engine. I'd like to delete everything in the datastore and start over.
If you have a quick solution for this, stop reading now and just tell me the "web2py" way. :) There is a StackOverflow thread that I found: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1062540/how-to-delete-all-datastore-in-google-app-engine which assumes that you setup everything in Models.py which uses syntax very different from the DAL and I can't make heads or tails of it. I tried using the remote_api to do the deletion: vanhoudn@gauze:~/workspace/creatia-rubrics/src$ python2.5 ~/google_appengine/remote_api_shell.py creatia-rubrics App Engine remote_api shell Python 2.5.5 (r255:77872, Sep 14 2010, 17:16:34) [GCC 4.4.3] The db, users, urlfetch, and memcache modules are imported. creatia-rubrics> from google.appengine.ext.db import GqlQuery creatia-rubrics> query = GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM allRatings") Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> File "/home/vanhoudn/google_appengine.1.4.1/google/appengine/ext/db/__init__.py", line 2296, in __init__ model_class = class_for_kind(self._proto_query._entity) File "/home/vanhoudn/google_appengine.1.4.1/google/appengine/ext/db/__init__.py", line 266, in class_for_kind raise KindError('No implementation for kind \'%s\'' % kind) KindError: No implementation for kind 'allRatings' But it gives me this weird KindError. Before i can get to the db.delete(query) step. So how do you access the kinds that you create in models/db.py? I copied the GQL statement straight from the datastore viewer on appspot.comso it shouldn't be a syntax error. The relevant section of my models/db.py is: db.define_table('allRatings', Field('timeend','datetime',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('timestart','datetime',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('assignmentId',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('experimentId',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('workerId',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('studentIds',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('rubricCode',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('ipaddress' ,default=request.client), Field('comment',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('rawAnswers',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field('subscores',requires= IS_NOT_EMPTY() ) ) Any help would be appreciated! Cheers, -- Nathan VanHoudnos |- Statistics & Public Policy PhD student |- Program for Interdisciplinary Education Research (PIER) Fellowship |- Carnegie Mellon University |- http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/nmv "Neglect of mathematics works injury to all knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences or the things of this world." -- Roger Bacon