OK, I tried to change the code of web2py_ajax.html BUT all function
code was commented out!! What is going on?
Why is all commented out? Is it commented out because all the code in
web2py_ajax.html is only for changing AJAX-settings? Like turning
asynchronisation off?
I built my app by using the form field "New simple application". After
that the web2py-system makes automatically a copy of the "welcome"-
app. And after that I never changed the web2py_ajax.html file!

Well, I commented "in" the "function ajax(u,s,t)".
Within this function there is the mentioned jQuery-Command:

jQuery.ajax({type: "POST", url: u, data: query, async: false, success:
function(msg) { if(t) { if(t==':eval') eval(msg); else jQuery("#" +
t).html(msg); } } });

So, finally it works now, however, I don't get why everything was
commented out.

Again, Thank you!



On 27 Jan., 15:54, Phoboss <spartia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Denes,
> firstly thank you for your swift response!
> I'm now at work. So in 4 hours or so I'll try it at home.
> After that I'll report here if it's works.
> Best Regards
> Phoboss
> On 27 Jan., 15:49, DenesL <denes1...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> > Hi Phoboss,
> > web2py uses the jQuery.ajax API which has a parameter named async for
> > that.
> > Try changing your app's web2py_ajax.html file where the jQuery.ajax
> > calls are made and specify async : false .
> > Denes
> > On Jan 27, 3:53 am, Phoboss <spartia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Experts,
> > > how can I turn off asynchron AJAX in web2py?
> > > It sounds strange but I need it synchronous!
> > > BTW, I implemented this 
> > > example:http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/10#Ajax-Form-Submission
> > > Thank you so much!
> > > Best Regards
> > > Phoboss

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