On Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2:33:55 PM UTC-5, Jonathan Lundell wrote: 
> On Jan 19, 2011, at 11:23 AM, ron_m wrote:
> > Maybe it is a Windows only issue, I was reviewing the flock(2) man page 
> and it isn't a problem in UNIX systems. I haven't looked at the Windows docs 
> but remember file access is more restrictive on that system. For now it is 
> only a suspicion, I don't use Windows so would have to do a lot to test it. 
> Me neither. But closing is surely the best course of action, regardless.
I'm on Windows, so let me know if you need me to test anything.
Also, I'm happy to make the changes to session.forget(response) in the book 
if we agree that's always the appropriate way to call it. What about in the 
'call' function in the scaffolding app?
Also, I notice the command line options section of the book (
still refers to the --numthreads option -- should that be replaced with the 
newer --minthreads and --maxthreads options?

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