> No, a cookie is associated with a session.

Agreed.  I'm pretty much using 'cookie', 'user', 'session', and
'browser' as interchangeable for my purposes.  A cookie is associated
to a session, but somehow a session is associated to a thread.  Either
that or I'm seeing some other effect for which I can't imagine a

> For all practical purposes, each request gets its own thread (in practice, 
> threads are recycled through a thread pool, but that's just for efficiency). 
> Threads themselves don't retain any meaningful identity from one request to 
> the next.

I don't suspect that threads retain any state between requests.  That
wouldn't make sense given what I've described.  I imagine that
whatever dispatches requests to threads keeps an association between
session and thread.  I have not (and will not) read this code to prove
this claim because I don't care.  I'm simply explaining my assumptions
give what I've witnessed (e.g.: given two threads, some broswers can
run any controller function (other than the thread that blocks) and
others can't when just one thread is blocked/busy and the other is

Also, as I've said before, I think this would be a generally good
thing for security.  If a user can consume as many threads as he likes
he can take your entire application down (intentionally or because
he's impatient and keeps clicking a button).

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