Concerning my question:
I actually tried reply_to in mail.send() without success. now that
someone confirmed that is actually there and supposed to work, I gave
it a second try and it worked.

The reason not to work before is probably related to the web2py
version I was using in production on that system with version 1.73
        if reply_to != None:
            payload['Reply-To'] = reply_to.encode(ecoding)
the "ecoding" vs "enconding" was broken...

Good thing it works now :)

On Jan 18, 10:45 pm, Anthony <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 18, 2011 4:55:29 PM UTC-5, cjrh wrote:
> > On Jan 18, 7:37 pm, blackthorne <> wrote:
> > > Maybe, this should be documented in the book.
> > Done.  I included it in the example, but I also added a description of
> > the full signature of the mail.send() command.  I am hesitant to do
> > too much of that, because the docs inside the source code should
> > contain the details of all the settings, whereas the book should
> > contain many examples and overviews of design patterns and framework
> > workflow.
> Then we should make it as easy as possible for users to find what they need
> in the source code. Luckily, it appears that Jonathan is now on the case 
> ( Maybe we
> should also provide more prominent links to the Epydoc contents (maybe from
> the book and/or the admin interface). Also, rather than label it "Epydoc"
> (which is actually the name of the tool used to generate it), maybe call it
> something more descriptive, like "API Documentation" or "Source Code
> Documentation".
> Anthony

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