Hello, Let me expose my problem. I have a test (experience test that I made in lab) that I have to redo many time. At time point 1 there is only one result, but at the other time point the is one more result to store each time. So at time point 2 there is two results, at time point 3 there is 3 results and so on.
Since the number of time point is not fixed I can create a given number of columns to handle this probleme in a not normalized way. Say fill with null the empty columns when the results are not available for a particular record (or a given time point). To normalize the schema I can do : db.define_table('result', Field('length','integer'), Field('width','integer'), Field('result','integer')) db.define_table('test1', Field('results','list:integer result') Field('whomadethetest','string'), Field('date','date')) db.test1.results.requires = IS_IN_DB(db,'result.id',db. result._format,multiple=True) I could add my result one by one in the result table and then pick them up... But I would do something sexier then that. I would like to be able to add any number of record by adding the row of result table in the same form of test1 table. So my model should be : db.define_table('test1', Field('results','??????') Field('whomadethetest','string'), Field('date','date')) db.define_table('result', Field('length','integer'), Field('width','integer'), Field('result','integer'), Field('test1_id','db.test1') I have now a 1:n relation that is stored in result table. I would build a widget that let insert all the fields of an other table row by row. So if I have one result generated at time point 1 there will be one row in my form. But if I am a later time point there will have 2 rows for time point 2 and 3 for time point 3, etc. It could has a button to add more empty row that could be filled out. I read an search a lot. I found web2py_component that could be of some utility, but I am not sure since it seams to work with form in a global manner and not support field. SQLFORM.factory look the way to go before build the whole thing from scratch with form... If any of you have a android phone, I would make a form that looks and works like the contact app. You can add any number of phone number for the same contact by pressing + button to add an other empty box (field). Do I must made a custom widget (widget seams to be reserved to a single form processing), build custom form with helpers, or could SQLFORM.factory is enough??? Thanks Richard