
I am just trying to familiar myself with web2py. It looks very
promising and I am sure that will use it several projects in the
I discovered minor inconsistency in error messages defined
validators.py and tools.py (Auth class to be precise). All error
messages in Auth class start with upper case latter but all error
messages in validators.py file start with lower case letter.

What would be the best way to overcome this minor issue? I would like
to get all messages in same the format (all with upper or lower case
first letter). I wouldn't like to create my own dirty hack but I would
like to fix this issue in web2py if possible. Any suggestions?

I found this issue when I created custom auth_user table with some
extra fields (Field('birthday','date'),
Field('registration_date','date')). This produce some inconsistency in
error messages shown in profile form provided by auth.


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