For those interested... Note, the web2py tutorial to be taught by Massimo ("web2py Secrets") is scheduled for Wed, Mar 9, 9am - noon: Costs increase after Monday, and again after Mar 1, so act fast.
Anthony ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Jan 13, 3:53 pm Subject: PyCon early-bird deadline: MONDAY Jan. 17 To: comp.lang.python.announce The early-bird registration deadline is coming up fast: it's this Monday, Jan. 17! (AUDIENCE GASPS) Fortunately, everything you need is right here: PyCon 2011, March 9-17: Register: Tutorial list: Talk list: Hotel reservation: Also, keep in mind that, for the first time ever, we've had to place a cap of 1500 on PyCon registration. Delaying too long won't just cause you to miss the early-bird discount, it might make you miss PyCon altogether. While there might be a certain historical thrill in being able to say, "Yes, I was one of the people turned away from the world's first sold-out PyCon"... no, don't do that. Please forward this notice in Python-related groups and mailing lists you belong to. How will you live with yourself if a friend misses PyCon because you didn't tell them? See you in Atlanta!